
The Podcast: Get Social Health is a podcast about social media and how it’s being used to help hospitals, medical practices, healthcare practitioners and patients connect and engage via social media. Get Social Health presents conversations with professionals actively working in the field and provides real-life examples of healthcare social media in action.

As a career marketing and businesswoman, I have a strong appreciation of the power of social media. My goal is for Get Social Health to encourage healthcare systems and physician practices to enter social media and begin engaging with patients, community, and practitioners.

social media for healthcareDuring the podcast, guests share their backgrounds and business experience along with their social media expertise that will educate and illuminate. We discuss specific case studies, experiences, and best practice examples. Topics may include lessons learned and how to address specific social media topics like social media training, HIPAA awareness, negative feedback or emergency communications. Our goal is to present some specific actionable ideas and takeaways about the daily work being done.

Want to know more about me? I’ve been a guest on some other podcasts!

IntrepidNOW Healthcare podcast with Joe Lavelle

The Healthcare IT Marketer Podcast with Jared Johnson

Podcasters Paradise Podcast with The Real Brian

Nursing Assistant Guides.com podcast with Patricia Laramee

Get Social Health – The Healthcare Social Media Course: In addition to the podcast, I have launched the Get Social Health Academy, an online learning program designed for the healthcare practice. If you have a physician practice, community hospital or healthcare organization with a small (or no) marketing team, we will have a series of social media courses to support you.

Get Social Health Academy courses will focus on the unique ways that healthcare can engage in an HIPAA-compliant manner with best practice examples from other healthcare systems. We’ll provide you with actionable ideas, examples and timely updates on changes in social media that address issues directly impacting healthcare. For details and to register for classes visit the Get Social Health Academy website.

If you have suggestions for future guests, please send me an email. If you would like to be a guest on Get Social Health, click here.

Want to book time with me? Click here!

Thank you for listening!

Janet M. Kennedy

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