Jess Columbo – Mistakes from a Billion Dollar Launch

They say that we learn by our mistakes but wouldn’t we rather learn by other’s mistakes? Jess Columbo of MedEd Digital joins the podcast to share her tips on “How NOT to launch the biggest social campaign of your career: Lessons from the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute $1 Billion Challenge.” That’s also the topic of her presentation at the Annual Conference of the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network. The Annual Conference will be held on the Mayo campus in Scottsdale, Arizona on December 11-12, 2017.

Jess brings more than a decade of experience developing award-winning digital media strategies for clients in regulated industries. She holds a Masters in Digital Journalism and teaches part-time at Portland State University’s Center for Executive and Professional Education.

Listen to the podcast or drop in at the time stamps below:

00:56 Intro

02:21 About Jess

05:02 Why go it alone?

05:58 Médecins Sans Social Media

06:51 Are they trying to social?

07:54 How Jess became a keynote

09:12 Dan Hinman shout out

10:12 How not to launch…

12:22 Bringing them up to speed

13:53 About those haters…

14:35 Apologizing on social media

16:10 “Fighter,” a misnomer

17:55 Support and investment

18:30 What did work?

19:46 Watchdogs

Ignite presentation21:20 Work at Meded Digital

23:01 Balancing sales with communication

25:27 Updating outmoded professionals

27:09 Pharma and social media

28:32 Ignite movement

32:01 Mayo Clinic Social Media Network Annual Conference

34:36 Changing mindsets regarding social media

36:06 End

36:31 Social Media Tip: Darla Brown

37:30 Closing

Find Jess




Jess’s Ignite Talk

More about the Mayo Clinic Social Media Annual Conference:

Join us for two days packed with four inspirational keynotes, six compelling case studies and presentations, three expert consultation sessions, and an evening taco reception complete with mariachi band!

You don’t need to belong to the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network to attend. Your registration includes a full year membership in the Network.

Registration for the Annual ConferenceSocial Media Residency or the combined bundle includes a one-year premium membership and access to the Social for Healthcare Certificate from Mayo Clinic and Hootsuite.

We’re capping attendance at 125 so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to contribute, interact, and connect with your peers. You’ll leave energized with more knowledge and enthusiasm to tackle, analyze, and solve the biggest social media problems you face today.

You may want to join us on December 13 for our Social Media Residency, too!

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