Ed Bennett Hospital Website Consultant

Ed Bennett is a healthcare and hospital website consultant. He has recently left corporate and university life where he was the Website/Digital presence guru at the University of Maryland Medical Center for 17 years to become a consultant. He is a Platinum Fellow in the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network, founder of the Hospital Social Media list (now residing with Mayo) and curator of the Physician Transparency list that tracks hospitals that are posting their HCAPS scores on their websites. Listen to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below.

Mayo Clinic Social Media Summit 2016

Mayo Clinic Social Media Summit 2016

00:00 Introduction
00:46 Meet Ed Bennett, Mayo Platinum Fellow & entrepreneur
02:00 Internet earliest adopter
04:09 Hospital website for University of Maryland
05:15 What didn’t work well?
06:40 Content marketing (before it was cool)
08:03 Does a website belong to IT or Marketing?
09:25 Chief Cook & Bottle Washer
10:20 WordPress or enterprise CMS
12:35 Knowing how to understand vendor landscape
13:45 The difference between a slick website and a good vendor
17:00 How much god a project run?
18:28 C-Suite explanations needed?
21:00 Physician Transparency Project
25:35 Hospitals in Social Media list
26:55 Reputation leads to business
28:25 Preparing for the death of digital advertising
33:55 Is the website the hub of marketing
34:47 How does digital and online presence impact population health?
36:16 Advising on digital and social media presence
37:21 Company goals & the healthcare vendor space
39:25 Healthcare: Slow decision making?
40:45 Market Vue Partners and Population Health
40:15 Hospital marketing tactics slow to change
43:33 Social Media Tip: Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson “When you’ve had a bad day…”
44:50 Social Media Ambassadors – Social Media support for Trade Shows and Conferences

HIMSS16 – Social Media Ambassador @ShimCode

When you have a conference that brings together more than 40,000 health IT professionals clinicians vendors executives patients and speakers you to pull out the social media big guns. I have the pleasure of talking to Steve Sisko known as @shimcode in twitter about being a Social Media Ambassador for HIMSS 16 on Get Social Health.

Being a Social Media Ambassador for the largest healthcare conference is a privilege and an honor and a lot of work. If you can’t attend a conference look up the hashtag for the event, follow the action and participate. You’ll be amazed at how engaged you can be even from afar. Listen to the podcast or drop in at the time stamps below.

00:00 Intro
00:51 Meet Steve Sisko @ShimCode
01:50 What’s it like in Healthcare IT
03:26 Health IT is more about the patient now
05:24 What is your “day-job”?
06:15 The “ShimCode” story
06:40 Translator between business, IT & social media
07:45 The ShimCode Blog
09:19 Giving back to people with real information needs
10:26 hitconfguy.com
11:50 Freedom to speak your mind
12:37 Joe Lavelle @Resultant >> Massive content curation
14:22 Tools and process for content curation
15:26 Four monitors to manage flow of information
16:40 Email management
18:00 What tools do you use?
18:35 Work-life balance (What does the wife say?)
20:20 Twitter @ShimCode
21:28 #HIMSS16 Social Media Ambassador
24:13 He’s a Grain of Sand!
25:37 How any Ambassadors are there?
28:25 Not hard to get started
29:50 Seeking help in Twitter
30:26 Favorite Tweet Chats #HITsm #hcsm #KareoChat
32:38 Storify to curate?
33:33 Is the Healthcare IT slow to join social media?
26:10 Intellectual Property graphic (see below)
37:12 Social Media Tip: Jason Pratt with Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media: “Tweet about what interests you.”

ShimCode Infographic
Steve Sisko on LinkedIn

Steve Sisko’s Blog

Steve Sisko on Twitter

HIMSS16 Social Media Ambassadors

Steve Sisko on the @HCPodcasters Blab February 29, 2016

Steve’s Compendium of Twitter Lists

Social Media Tip: Jason Pratt of Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media

HIPAA 411 from EHR2.0

“We have nothing to fear except fear itself.” While the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt may be perfectly appropriate for a discussion of HIPAA and data security, that does not stop healthcare organizations from being very, very concerned. Sadly, many healthcare organizations are not entering social media because of concerns about violating HIPAA. I am joined on the podcast by Srini Kolathur, HIPAA Compliance Coach at EHR2.0, a compliance, training and education consultancy. Srini and I know each other through social media training via webinars (disclosure: Get Social Health is a trainer and content author for EHR2.0). I realized that I had never had an HIPAA compliance expert on the podcast so I put on my curiosity hat and asked a lot of questions. Give a listen to the podcast or drop in at the time stamps below:

00:00 Introduction
00:47 Meet Srini Kolathur of EHR2.0
HIPAA is coming02:06 EHR2.0 – Web 2.0
02:50 What do you do as a Coach for EHR2.0?
03:17 Do you have to follow HIPAA if you don’t have EMR?
05:25 Does HIPAA apply to every company, not just healthcare?
06:28 HIPAA and photography example?
07:51 Photography Consent Form
08:58 How do you get a HIPAA Certification?
16:56 Once and done?
18:10 Do I need a HIPAA compliance company on retainer?
20:45 Does a BAA protect the vendor or the physician?
22:12 Do vendors need to be trained in HIPAA compliance?
23:38 What happens with the reports when they are completed?
24:55 Would completing the forms protect a practice in the case of a breech?
27:30 “Wilful Neglect”
29:28 Is it the same process for a small practice versus a hospital?
31:18 How long does a HIPAA assessment take?
32:00 Worth the time and effort
32:30 “Ounce of prevention”
32:44 Social media not being taken seriously
34:55 Don’t let HIPAA hold you back from being in social media
35:18 Launch of Get Social Health Academy courses!
37:07 Laura Klarman – “Friday Funny”
37:37 Tell us what you would like to hear!
Visit get Social Health Academy for social media courses on social media for the healthcare practice.