social media

Healthcare Innovation in Action

Innovation in healthcare – everybody’s talking about it but how do you do it? Today’s guest on Get Social Health, AJ Montpetit,  has a unique perspective because he works on both sides of the healthcare innovation challenge. By day he works at the Mayo Clinic as a social media contractor for the Center for Individualized Medicine and the Center for Innovation. In his free time, he plays an active role in an innovation program called Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Follow our conversation below:

AJ Montpetit00:00 Healthcare innovation introduction
01:15 Meet AJ Montpetit, Social Media Contractor
02:30 Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine
03:00 “If it ends in -omics”
03:40 Who is your audience for the IM Center?
04:15 Diagnostic Odyssey
05:15 Do you have your own website?
06:45 Are scientists social media savvy?
07:20 Symplur to support healthcare conference communication
08:00 “Prime the social media pump?”
09:03 Hootsuite for supporting social media
09:45 What is a Hootsuite Brand Ambassador?
12:30 Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation
14:30 Working with departments in one space – building “what if” scenarios
15:50 The “Code Funds” – encouraging in-house innovation
18:10 Roger von Oceh “A Whack on the side of the head”
19:15 “A Kick in the Seat of the Pants”
23:25 Give first to get something from social Media revolution
29:20 Global Entrepreneurship Week

38:55 Social Media Tip: Alice Ackerman, Physician-in-Chief, Carilion Clinic Children’s Hospital

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health.

Roger von Oech: “A Whack on the Side of the Head” & “A Kick in the Seat of the Pants”

“Don’t be an Egg-Head” & other social media lessons

When faced with the challenge of encouraging more members of the Australian Private Hospitals Association to utilize social media, Marketing Director Lisa Ramshaw went right to the top – to the CEOs. She faced many questions and concerns from the CEOs about hospitals participating in social media. Her response was to team up with some fellow marketers to get CEOs to try social media with a Twitter profile. To educate them, these social media evangelists went “old school” and wrote a book! A really little book titled “Don’t Be an Egg-Head” which explained the basics of having and using a Twitter account.

Our discussion also included Lisa’s recent recognition as a Mayo Clinic Silver Social Media Fellow status and the project that led to it. We also discussed healthcare marketing for the Australian Private Hospitals Association and some very effective marketing campaigns including; “The Elephant if the Room,” a mental health initiative.

"Don't be an Egghead"

Twitter basics for hospitals and healthcare organisations

Follow our conversation below:
00:00 Introduction
00:28 Meet Lisa Ramshaw, Director of Marketing & Communications for the Australian Private Hospitals Association
01:35 Meeting at Mayo Social Media Week
02:27 Welcoming Healthcare community
03:02 Australian Healthcare
04:08 How many private hospitals are there?
04:52 Does Australia have something like HIPAA
05:25 Can’t use a patient testimonial
06:45 Does the APHA have an opinion on social media?
08:29 “Don’t be an Egg-head”
11:15 400 copies of “Bringing a Social Media Revolution to Healthcare”
12:25 Training at a 101 lv
24:00 from Michigan to Australia to Mayo and back again
24:30 Silver Fellow Award
25:00 Mayo Social Media Network heads to OZ
26:20 Advice to enter social media

27:45 Social Media Tip: Katrina Doell – “Maximize your sports or sponsor partnerships”

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health.

#HCSM Tweet Chat Founder Dana Lewis

Meet Dana Lewis, the founder of one of the most popular healthcare tweet chats, #HCSM. The Healthcare Communications Social Media Tweet-chat or “Hicksum” to those in the know (which I wasn’t). Dana, who has recently started a new job at Providence Health & Services, founded the first healthcare tweet-chat which often has over 1,800 tweets generated during the hour-long chat on Sunday nights ar 8:00pm Central time.

Dana Lewis marathonOur conversation covers a wide range of twitter topics from moderation to content development to how the tweet chat was founded.



Dana Lewis on LinkedIn

Dana Lewis on Twitter

#HCSM on Symplur

Twitter base: @HealthSocMed

Website archive



Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media – Lee Aase

It is universally held that social media is inherently “social” but it does not always follow that social media is friendly too. In the case of Lee Aase, Director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media, he defines the friendly part of social media. Lee is knowledgeable about communications, public relations and healthcare social media. He takes pleasure in sharing his experiences from his own team members at the Mayo Clinic to the global stage as a member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda on Social Media.

To catch the segments of our conversation, check the time stamp content below.

Lee Aase in Dubai00:00 Introduction to Lee Aase of the Center for Social Media at Get Social Health
01:25 Lee in Dubai at the Global Agenda Council on Social Media
02:00 World Economic Forum
03:29 Discussion of #Ebola
04:18 What came out of the meeting
04:44 Developing “Social Media Primers” to share knowledge
05:28 Call to action to Mayo Clinic’s Social Media Health Network?
06:30 The first volunteer!
06:45 “Lee Aase; The Early Years”
07:25 Sharing stories for the Mayo Clinic
07:50 “Be the Media”
08:09 Journalism to Social Media journey
09:00 Bringing on Chris Gotti
09:30 A license to dream from Mayo Clinic’s new CEO Dr. John Noseworthy
10:15 Service others by creating the Center for Social Media and the Social Media Health Network
10:50 Difference between Center for Social Media and the Social Media Health Network
11:55 What’s the internal relationship between social media, marketing, PR & Communications at Mayo Clinic
13:12 Does the social media group have give “push back” to other departments?
14:52 When was the Social Media Health Network founded?
16:29 Is the Mayo Clinic SMHN growing organically or does it need promotion?
17:28 An opportunity to grow MC SMHN
17:55 Events in 2015: Conference in Australia and in Rochester. Social Media Residency evolving to accomodate experience levels.
19:40 Using the Social Media Residency to reach out globally
20:35 Analytics for Mayo Clinic’s social media tracking
23:05 Annecdotal creedence
23:50 Which social media platform is driving business for Mayo Clinic?
Social Media GAC photo25:20 Lee offers Joel Steed and Tony Hart for a future interview
26:19 How do you present social media to other C-Suite decision makers?
28:58 Investment is in people and skills
30:13 No “one voice” in social media
30:40 Lee’s personal blog: “Lines from Lee”
31:15 SMUG – Social Media University Global
33:15 “Have a little fun with it”
33:49 Social let’s you show a little personality
34:25 Social Media mistakes – “Raises the price of bad behavior”
35:15 “Don’t be afraid to jump in.” “We’re here to help”
36:00 Join at a free “guest” of the Social Media Health Network.
36:46 Social Media Tip: Tiffany Smith of Regional Health in Rapid City, SD “Keep it transparent
37:18 Janet’s Close

Create the free guest account on the Social Media Health Network
Lee Aase’s personal blog, Social Media University Global (SMUG)
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Facebook Update for Healthcare

LikesSocial media for healthcare invariably includes Facebook as a primary channel. The challenge for a busy medical practice is finding the time to post enough content so keeping up with frequent Facebook changes can be a challenge. Get Social Health called upon Facebook expert Shelley Heinrichs of Proclaim Interactive to bring us up to date on the latest changes.

Shelley and I talked about three major Facebook changes: the end of “like-gating”, the best format for posting links and the down-grading of “click-bait” content. To catch the segments of our conversation, check the time stamp content below.

00:00 Introduction
00:50 Practical advice from Shelley Heinrichs
01:40 Facebook is making changes …for the good?
03:40 What we’re going to cover
04:20 What is “Like-Gating”?
05:48 Like-gating waters down page authority
07:15 “Low quality likes”
07:50 “Too much of a good thing
09:00 Percent of engagement
10:20 “Action-Gating”
12:20 Give to Get
12:50 Best format for Facebook posts
14:15 Facebook favors posts that include links
16:50 Test your posts
17:40 Where should links go?
19:50 Be a resource for relevant and valuable information
21:00 Business vs. professional resource
22:00 “Click-Bait”
23:10 Tabloid headlines
25:50 Watch sensational news headlines
26:40 Compelling without lying
27:20 Social Media Tip from Dr. Mike Sevilla “Know where your Audience is at”
28:05 Closing

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health:

Proclaim Interactive

Shelley Heinrichs

Pharma and Social Media – Oil and Water?

Pharma communications is an industry regulated by law and steeped in caution. Social Media is is often referred to as “the Wild West.” Can Pharma and Social Media ever coexist and not be cross-purposes? Get Social Health spoke with Dr. Betsy Bennett, a clinical health psychologist who works with pharma to learn more about the complicated world of pharma communications.

Dr. Betsy BennettDr. Bennett works with Pharma companies to help them craft their patient communications on medical conditions and drug relationships. She brings to the table a unique and critical expertise that encompasses not just the medical implications of a disease or disorder but the cognitive, behavioral and emotional impact of the condition on the patient.

To drop in on specific parts of our conversation, refer to the time stamp below:

00:00 Introduction
00:46 Meet Dr. Betsy Bennett
01:38 Clinical Health Psychologist
02:40 Emotional – Behaviorial – Cognitive
03:06 What do you mean “emotional” support?
04:57 Stoic New Englanders
05:18 The punitive internal voice – “The Judge”
06:21 Chronic Vs Long-Term condition communications
07:01 Adherance compliance
07:30 Who do you write for?
07:52 It’s a team effort
08:46 What is the process for creating communications?
10:40 Do you provide cultural content?
12:14 Information is about living with a condition or disease
14:10 How specific do you have to be in communications?
16:11 Patient Self-Advocacy: What are pharma companies talking about?
19:00 Biogen idec
20:40 Who is a “credible source”?
22:30 Pharma and Social Media
26:09 What social media platforms do you use?
28:45 So about that blog…
31:55 Be a content contributor
33:00 Social Media Tip: Dr. Mike Sevilla – Get a website

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health:

Contact Betsy Bennett:

Betsy Bennett Website

Betsy Bennett LinkedIn