Podcast.Health Network

Podcast.Health Network

The Podcast.Health Network invites you to listen to the podcasts in our network. Conversations with healthcare thought leaders, digital health experts, startup entrepreneurs, authors, writers and clinicians. 

Our Podcasts

We promise to bring you the best in healthcare podcasts

Who We Are

The Healthcare Marketing Network started with a podcast about people and social media; Get Social Health. Founded by Janet Kennedy, the podcast was a way to connect with thought leaders and individuals making an impact in healthcare.

Expanding on that concept, the Healthcare IT Trends Buzz joined the network focusing in Health IT conversation with NCHICA members and conference presenters.

Coming in 2019 – “The Savvy Scribe Podcast” with co-hosts Carol Bush and Janine Kelbach featuring discussions of content creation, freelance writing, and business best practices for the healthcare and medical writer.

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Show announcements, new episode releases… not much else. We promise to email you only when we have something you’ll want to read. (Plus we will never sell or use your email for a nefarious purpose. Promise.)