Episode Archives

LinkedIn Influencer Mary Pat Whaley

My guest today on Get Social Health is LinkedIn Influencer Mary Pat Whaley, a writer, and blogger with a focus on helping small, independent healthcare practices remain viable through her business Manage My Practice. Mary is also an excellent case of small world syndrome – she practically lives right around the corner! Today we’ll talk about her business, Manage My Practice, and how she got her start blogging about healthcare practice management. We dive into what kinds of clients independent or solo practices can expect and how such practices engage in social media.

00:00 Introduction
01:37 It’s a small world
LinkedIn Influencer02:15 Manage My Practice
03:17 Early adoption of blogging
04:18 Blog content: Technology and Healthcare
05:22 Tech? Websites or EHR?
06:10 Dr. Bill Kroutz
06:49 What is Manage My Practice?
10:11 Marriage Counselor on the side?
11:03 What kind of healthcare clients?
12:22 What’s it like coming out of Med school?
14:27 Who is the typical client?
16:21 Concierge medicine
19:43 Can a solo doc negotiate?
22:07 Do your services vary based on the medical specialty?
26:42 What is your background, Mary Pat?
29:13 How does an individual engage in social medai?
32:39 Costs for marketing a new practice
35:23 Do you often have practices with ad budgets?
37:11 Words of wisdom for starting a new practice?

Social Media Tip: Tal Givoly of Medivizor – Vet your sources

Mary Pat Whaley on LinkedIn

Mary Pat Whaley on Twitter

Manage My Practice

A Must-Follow Social Media Advisor

Even podcasters can be fangirls (or fanboys). When I came into healthcare social media there were a Twitter handles that were obviously well respected in the community if you follow the authors who are retweeted or shared. Marie Ennis-O’Conner is a member of the “must follow” healthcare marketing club. She writes and curates excellent content for the healthcare marketer. The fact that she lives in Ireland and is at least 5 hours difference from the east coast of the US does not seem to impact when she chooses to appear. Marie shares content generously too. Listen to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below.

Marie Ennis-O'ConnerIntroduction
A world view
Marie’s back-story
How did patients engage before social media?
Is Irish healthcare nationalized?
What kind of clients do you have?
Do US Pharma companies follow US privacy laws or European?
Mayo Clinic Social Media Summit in OZ
What was your talk about?
People are people
Dr. Gia Sisson
Health 2.0 Dublin

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Mayo Clinic’s Social Media Data Geek

Meet Makala Johnson, Mayo Clinic’s social media data geek. She was the first hire of the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media. After listening to her, you’ll understand why. She is the a lover of all things data and demonstrates a great skill at understanding the data metrics that should be tied to social media. She also lives the mission of the Mayo Clinic and is engaging, friendly and helpful. Listen to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below:

Mayo Clinic Social Media Health Network

06/15/15 — A moment during Mayo Clinic’s “Bringing on the Social Media Revolution to Health Care” social media residency, presented by the Mayo Clinic Social Media Health Network at the Doubletree in Rochester, Minnesota on Monday, June 15, 2015. Follow along online using #MCCSM. Learn more at socialmedia.mayoclinic.org. (Photo by Jason Pratt / Mayo Clinic)

Mayo Clinic believes in engagement
Metrics and analytics
How did the Center for Social Media get founded
How many team members in the social media effort at the Mayo Clinic?
Content submission guidelines
Ideas for content come from the whole system
Dr. Chuck Rosen – Celebrating moments at Mayo
Coordination and Cooperation
Reviewing content submission
Training for all employees
How many social accounts were active when the MCCSM was founded?
How are you keeping track of all your content
What management tool are you using?
Tool selection process?
Did you select an “off the shelf” tool or was it customized for MCCSM?
When do you need a management tool? Number of people using social media or the number of social media sites you’re managing?
Did you work with social media management tools before the creation of the CSM?
How do you differentiate between your personal and professional profiles?
How many social media accounts are there for the Mayo Clinic?
Who is the head of social media for all of Mayo Clinic? Lee Aase of course!
Have you had any rogue accounts?
She’s a data geek!
What are considered the “essential” metrics?
Can you track “save for later” posts?
Are you using Facebook tracking pixels?
Are you downloading the Facebook analytics report?
What are the benefits of using a social media management tool?
Standard response time to comments?
Did you get a demo of the social media platform?

Social Media Tip: Keith Boswell “Create a Content Library”

ANNOUNCEMENT! Get in on a pilot of the Get Social Health Academy

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health.



Medivizor: Personalized Health Research

One of the biggest challenges in fighting a chronic or serious illness is wading through and understanding the thousands (or millions) of articles, posts, and research studies that can be found online. Medivizor has a solution for that problem by providing personalized health research curation based on a detailed questionnaire completed by a subscriber. On Get Social Health, I have a conversation with Medivizor CEO Tal Givoly about providing patients with research that is vetted for accuracy and relevancy. Catch our conversation or drop in at time stamps below.

00:00 Introduction
00:55 Tal Givoly, CEO of Medivizor
01:55 “Chronic web researcher”
03:49 How does the Medivizor search work?
05:04 How is relevancy determined?
07:50 Needle in the wrong haystack
08:31 Delivering any information or only currently usable information?
09:42 Midivizor is not focused on preventive or diagnosis information
12:55 Physician’s response to bad information from patients
15:10 How does the physician get copies of the information
16:30 The family physician

Tal Givoly (CEO) Dr. Oren Fuerst (Chairman) Prof. Steven Kaplan, MD (Chief Medical Officer)

Tal Givoly (CEO)
Dr. Oren Fuerst (Chairman)
Prof. Steven Kaplan, MD (Chief Medical Officer)

17:08 What is the business model for Medivizor
20:35 Standard of care/treatment protocols
20:35 How many patients are in Medivizor?
21:08 Does this data reflect population health?
23:40 Who is vetting all the information?
24:41 Is there a community for Medivizor members?
26:15 #PatientChat
29:16 Why did you start Medivizor?
32:55 How many members are caregivers vs patients?
33:55 linking to content online.
34:00 Where am I going to get enough content
Putting labels and roles on people
35:25 How does social media play into Medivizor
37:20 Is your platform in English only?
37:55 What are your financial goals?
38:40 How is the information provided?
40:16 Social Media Tip: Jared Johnson – Be thankful
40:56 A special Announcement! Launching the Get Social Health Academy pilot course launch!

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health.

Chief Digital Officer for Healthcare

Transitioning into the realm of digital marketing and new media has been a challenge for many healthcare institutions. Often senior leadership has little experience utilizing social media channels and is managing a number of different marketing agencies. Keith Boswell BooksEnter Keith Boswell, Chief Digital Officer for hire. Keith Boswell is the President of Perceptint, a consulting firm that specializes in helping health systems and other companies bridge the gap when creating or managing a digital marketing strategy. Keith is also an author of two e-Books, “Digital Marketing for Healthcare” and “Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy.” If that’s not enough, he is a fellow podcaster, host of the “CDO -Chief Digital Officer Podcast.” Listen in to our conversation about digital strategies and healthcare or drop in at the time stamps below.

00:00 Introduction
00:45 So may ways to connect
01:37 Patients are not patient
02:52 Social Listening
03:35 Who is Keith Boswell – Chief Digital Officer?
04:35 Kaiser-Permanente Digital Strategy
06:10 Agency models don’t always translate to healthcare
09:37 Digital decisions by people who don’t use digital
11:23 Educating the C-Suite – Where are the conversations taking place?
12:40 Dialiang for your lawyer reputation management
13:39 The reputation stages of grief
16:38 A Rose (or Review) by any other name
18:46 A hospital is not a restaurant
19:21 Trusting the agency to lead digital
22:38 Does digital carry a higher expectation for ROI than traditional media?
25:05 Risk adverse to digital
25:49 Author of an eBook “Digital Marketing for Healthcare”
27:43 Yelp! Pilot
30:02 Claim your local space – Weighted toward places with more reviews
33:15 He’s a podcaster too! “CDO-Cheif Digital Officer Podcast”
36:04 Social Media Tip: Amanda Changuris, “Making it right”

Your CDO Radio subscription link

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health.

Healthcare Marketing Podcast – Sharing a Love of Social Media

It’s not often I get to have a fellow healthcare marketing podcast host as a guest, primarily because there aren’t very many of us producing podcasts on healthcare and social media. That’s why I was excited to have Jared Johnson, founder of Ultera Digital and the host of “The Health IT Marketer Podcast” come on my podcast to “talk shop.” Before we got started talking about podcasts we had a lively discussion about reaching the first anniversary of his new entrepreneurial venture, Ultera Digital. Jared’s company provides digital marketing services to healthcare practices and hospitals.

In August of 2015 Jared launched the “Health IT Marketer Podcast” which focuses on the marketing trends that drive the technologies and information systems behind health care. Listen to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below.

Jared Johnson at HITMC 201500:00 Introduction
00:41 Founding Ultera Digital
02:12 Need experience outside healthcare
04:15 No ulterior motives here!
05:00 Patient.Co – Josh Silver and Bird Blitch
07:14 Patient user experience
09:15 How do you onboard a client
12:18 “Mobilegeddeon”
15:38 Content
17:35 Iceburg Effect
18:18 App development
23:14 “Orcs and Storm Troopers on request”
24:06 Loosen up healthcare!
26:52 David Harlow @HealthBlawg Don’t worry about social media
31:19 Health IT Marketer Podcast
32:44 Get Social Health and Health IT Not just EHR/EMR
35:20 Jon Lin
37:10 Joe Pulizzi – Content Marketing Institute
39:35 Learning opportunities
40:10 Share your thoughts
40:44 The Favorite Podcast list
42:49 Future Blabs
44:55 Social Media Tip: Colin Hung

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health.