Episode Archives

Curmudgeons and Physician Branding: Dr. Russell Faust

Dr. Russell FaustWhat do you get when you combine a tech geek and an ENT Surgeon? Believe it or not, you get a social media and online branding expert! Get Social Health spoke with Dr. Russell Faust about his life journey that brought him to being the founder of the Windriven Group, a consortium of physicians, healthcare copywriters, and marketers with a passion for optimizing the patient experience through connection in the digital world. Our conversation was far ranging, from punch-card driven computers to robotics in surgery to building an online reputation.

To follow the conversation, you can check in at the time stamps below, or catch the whole interview. Dr. Faust has some neat projects in the works, so you’ll be hearing from him again on the Get Social Health podcast.

To follow key points in our discussion, here is a time stamp of the interview:

00:42 Introduction
01:25 How did a surgeon become an online marketing expert?
03:15 Dragging healthcare kicking & screaming…
08:00 Robotic Surgery
8:50 Is social media “too light”?
10:40 How do you find time for blogging and social media?
12:50 It’s all about the content
13:00 Patients with stacks of internet resources
15:25 Recommended content sites
16:50 What type of clients does Windriven serve?
18:00 Michael Hyatt “Platform”
19:25 Independent practices have to have an online presence to compete with hospitals and big practices
20:40 “Members of the community have a choice”
21:35 PEW Research & ePatients
22:15 “You need to be found or be gone”
22:30 What’s Plan A?
23:25 Run your practice like a business
24:00 “How many of you have a brand?”
25:00 The ill-fated “Zombie Brand”
25:30 Google Search – yourself
26:35 Brand the practice or the physician?
28:17 Tangent! Hospital content mistakes
29:05 Baseball
30:10 Bedside manner & The Curmedgeon
32:20 How to use video
33:00 How to present even the curmudgeon successfully
36:55 Social Media Tip: Fard Johnmar “It’s about people”

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health

“Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World” by Michael Hyatt <Affiliate link>


“Why your Brand is a ZOMBIE – and what to do about it” by Dr. Russell Faust

Zombie Doc image courtesy of yootheme icons

Fard Johnmar, President of enspektos


Can Radiologists be Social? Sara McFarland of Atlantic Health Solutions

Sara McFarland“So you want to be a Social Media Ninja?” This intriguing question popped up in a social media search and brought me to Sara McFarland, Communications Specialist with Atlantic Health Solutions. Her expertise in social media and especially Twitter has led to speaking engagements at the RBMA (Radiology Business Management Association) and guest blogging for Ragan Communications. Her expertise was developed managing social media for the clients of Atlantic Health Solutions, a full-service agency that specializes in marketing for Radiology and Radiation Oncology.

Our conversation ranged from how radiologists may be the most introverted of physicians and how that impacts their social media efforts to using geo-codes to create very defined Twitter searches.

To follow key points in our discussion, here is a time stamp of the interview:

01:14 “How to be a Social Media Ninja”
02:10 Chris Christenberry owner of Atlantic Health Solutions
03:10 Unique aspects of radiology practice and social media
04:50 Is Facebook right for driving business for radiology practices
05:35 Using Twitter to drive business
07:18 Radiology Business Management Association
09:00 Geo-code location in Twitter to find prospects
11:00 Managing volume of searches in Tweetdeck
13:00 Social media time management
13:37 B2B selling
16:38 Content strategy for Radiology
19:35 Where do you get local content?
22:58 What platforms are you using?
25:58 Help Physicans become thought leaders?
28:26 Are radiologists the introverts of medicine?
30:10 If the target audience is older, is social media viable marketing option?
34:05 How do you capture video for your clients?
35:55 Monitoring for HIPAA and Privacy statements
38:59 Words of encouragement

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health

“So you want to be a Social Media Ninja?” (audio recording)

Sara’s Tip to use geo-location codes to use in Twitter searches:
Term you’re tracking geocode:40.7753201,-73.9558484,50km (radius you want)
(the coordinates can be found on Google maps)

Ragan’s Healthcare Communication News contributions:

Atlantic Health Solutions blog


Pharmacists and Social Media – Brian McDonald

Who should be at the table when discussing healthcare in social media? Ideally, everyone who impacts patient health from the patient themselves to the caregivers, caretakers, hospitals, insurance companies, wellness practitioners, and more. One of the integral members of the discussion is, and should be, the pharmacist. That may not always be the case as pharma companies and pharmacists are extremely cautious when engaging (or not) in social media.

Get Social Health invited Brian McDonald, Digital Marketing Manager of Parata Systems to talk to us about some of the issues that may be holding back pharmacists from fully engaging online.

To follow key points in our discussion, here is a time stamp of the interview:

00:45 Introduction
03:00 The pharmacist’s role
04:50 Pharmacist’s contact with patients
06:00 What is pharmacy automation?
07:05 “The Pill Ritual”
11:00 How the Parata pill automation system works
14:50 Thought Leadership for pharmacists
19:38 What is the state of social media use among pharmacists?
22:53 How can pharmacists participate in social media in regard to privacy and HIPAA compliance?
25:00 Do pharmacists have a preference for long form (blog) or short form (Twitter) communication?
27:55 What about drug misinformation in social media?
32:30 Are there pharmacy related tweet chats?
35:29 Next Generation Pharmacist Awards
37:48 Social Media Tip from Kimberly Wessel from Valassis Communications

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health

Parata Systems: Pharmacy automation company

White board video that explains how recent changes, including Affordable Care Act raise the need for the discussion about how to reduce unnecessary cost such as readmittance to hospital due to medication non-adherence.

Infographic that presents research data points to support the ACA discussion.

Parata ebookeBook that allowed us to dive deeper into where pharmacists will play vital role in healthcare and use technology to get them there faster.

Next Generation Pharmacist Awards are being held in Boston on August 24, 2014.  Co-founded by Parata and Pharmacy Times, this national awards program honors pharmacists, technicians, students and industry advocates who are defining the future of pharmacy. Since 2010, more than 100 pharmacy leaders have been named finalists or winners.

Twitter Chat: #RXChat

Pharmacy Podcast

Are We Paying Enough Attention to Data Security in Digital Health?

Get Social Health welcomes Digital Health Futurist Fard Johnmar as a guest blogger. We were pleased to have him as a guest on the podcast (Episode 10) and could not cover everything we wanted to discuss, particularly on the launch of his new program, Digital Health Illustrated. Congratulations to Fard and team on this new program. I know you’ll be interested in reading about it.

~ Janet Kennedy

social media for healthcareEarlier this year, health consumers, physicians, and others roundly criticized a program backed by the National Health Service to collect and centralize health data gathered by general practitioners from millions of patients across England. They were especially concerned that creating a centralized database of health records could put patients’ privacy at risk.

Are their concerns misplaced? Although data stewards take great care to secure electronic medical records, data breaches are common. In addition, we are collecting increasing amounts of sensitive health data from social media, mobile phones and now, wearable computers. Cybersecurity experts, writing in the New England Journal of Medicine and other publications warn that the health industry is woefully behind other sectors in terms of data security best practices.

In this installment of my new video blog series, Digital Health Illustrated, I focus on the dark side of the health data explosion and highlight consumers’ concerns about health data privacy and security. Click the image below to view.

Fard Johnmar is a digital health futurist and researcher focused on understanding how digital health technologies are used and perceived. He is also co-author of the global bestseller ePatient 2015: 15 Surprising Trends Changing Health Care.

Social Media for Physician Practices – Episode 12

The social media holdouts in healthcare tend to be the small to medium sized physicians practices. In order to share some ideas about how to manage a social media presence, Get Social Health reached out to Proclaim Interactive for their insights. Proclaim Interactive president Spence Hackney and Shelley Heinrichs, Project Manager and Social Media Marketing Strategist were very candid and shared some great ideas in managing a healthcare social media presence.

Spence HackneyHere are some highlights of our conversation:

How do you get the C-Suite on board? 4:00

How do you track ROI? 5:30

Reputation management 6:45

Yelp 9:01

Patient as consumer: 10:00

New practice process: 10:27

Managing social media 12:30

How do you determine platform goals for your clients? 16:30

Shelley HeinrichsDo you do HIPAA/Privacy training? 20:30

Are you monitoring 24/7? 22:00

What do see as the difference between social media for a hospital vs. a physician’s practice? 25:00

What tool do you use to manage clients? 26:30

Reporting analytics 27:37

Social Media Tip from Lauren Dickens of Angel Oak Creative

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health

Proclaim Interactive

Spence Hackney

Shelley Heinrichs

Sprout Social 

Here are a few of Proclaim Interactive’s clients if you want to check out their work:



Patient Recruitment – Scott Vaughan Episode 11

[app_audio src=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/getsocialhealth/010_Scott_Vaughan_Edited_Final_AU.mp3″]

Patient recruitment for clinical trials is challenging work. The advent of a fractured media market in the 1980’s and 1990’s complicated an already complicated patient recruitment process. With the arrival of multiple social media channels the choices for media buying is split even more and budgets for patient recruitment are decreasing. Clinical Trials are something that the general public does not know very much about so it was a great opportunity to get a peek inside the process from Scott Vaughan of Merge LLC.

Scott VaughanListen to the whole episode or drop in at some of the major discussion topics.

How does clinical trial recruitment work? 3:50

How do you market a study to potential  participants? 7:05

Is there a place patients can go to to identify their condition/illness?  11:00

Technology limitations in clinical trials 15:00

Pharma’s exodus from Facebook 17:30

Data privacy & HIPAA 18:30

Recommendations for healthcare not in social media 21:45

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health

Scott Vaughan on LinkedIn

Merge LLC on LinkedIn and website

Social Media Tip from April Culver of Johnston Health on LinkedIn and website