It’s always fun talking to another Twitter fan! Dr. David Stukus is a real Twitter evangelist, Tweeting under @AllergyKidsDoc, recruiting other physicians to the platform and demonstrating best practices. A Pediatric Allergist at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Dr. Stukus is a believer in the power of Twitter because he has seen it and been a part of making it happen. From connecting with a patient’s parent to arrange an appointment to speaking at national conferences, Twitter has made things happen for Dr. Stukus. Listen to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below.
Dr. Dave Stukus
Nationwide Children’s Hospital Allergy & Asthma
Local or National patients
What’s up with peanuts?
Hold off on bath time?
Microbiome (really – we talked about it)
Brother-in-Law’s fault
Twitter for education
Global Connections
2nd level of communication
Medical News
Follow Tweeting at global conferences
Allergy Tweet Chat #Asthma2015
Parents in Twitter?
Sharing content
Online medical advice
Dr. Farris Timmi “Moral obligation”
Unreliable health websites
Have you been targeted online?
Parents “get” social media
Are you a solo practioner
“Dr. Dave is an alien”
Twitter recruitment: Dr. Amber Patterson @TheAllergyDoc
Nationwide Children’s Hospital committed to social media
What other social media do you use?
700 Kids Blog
Hootsuite tool of choice
Using other media in the Twitter feed
How much time a day do you spend in Twitter?
Social Media Tip: Tom Lee “Use hashtags”
Get Social Health Academy course announcement: Coming this June – The Get Social Health Academy: Online training in social media for healthcare. The first courses to be offered will be “LinkedIn for Healthcare Professionals” and “Social Media for Healthcare Practice Owners.”
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