Get Social Health takes a look at patient engagement platforms during an interview with Casey Korinchock. Casey is the Marketing Manager for Axial Exchange, a software solutions company that creates engagement platforms for hospitals. She first started working with hospitals in a private-equity backed startup in New York helping health systems improve their health care services in the home started working with Axial Exchange about a year ago.
During the course of our interview we discussed a new survey, “100 Best Hospitals for Patient Engagement” recently released that was a partnership between Becker Hospital Review and Axial that rated hospitals on their patient engagement. Unlike previous surveys, this report was based on four metrics: Hospital Re-admissions, Patient Satisfaction, Patient Education and Self-Care tools and Social Media Engagement.
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About Axial: Axial Exchange helps patients help themselves. They are a software solutions company that creates engagement platforms for hospitals and are focused on creating a connection between them and a patient for the 99% of the time they are away from the health system. Axial Exchange offers a patient-facing mobile application, a provider-facing population dashboard along with consulting services. They believe a patient that is more engaged in their health is more loyal, has higher HCAHPS and is proven to have lower readmission rates. Axial has 12 health system clients representing more than 50 individual hospitals and out-patient facilities.
Social Media Tip from Amy Avery, Free-lance Healthcare Writer and owner of Amy Writes: “Have an schedule for content.”