Episode Archives

Managing Social Media Complaints

Managing social media complaints for a health system can be terrible and no fun. Unless you’re Amanda Changuris who thrives on the personal contact and knowing she is helping people. In our conversation Amanda relates her process for being engaged with patients and her community via Twitter. She also shares a few stories of patients (or their friends and families) who were very unhappy and how she and the social media team at Highmark Health resolved those concerns. Listen to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below.

00:00 Introduction to Amanda Changuris
00:43 Amanda’s background in TV news
03:21 Social Media at Highmark
04:37 Who does the writing?
05:13 Highmark’s social media presence & team
06:20 What’s the procedure for managing social media complaints?
08:05 Your response time is WHAT? Are you married to social media?
10:28 What should normal people expect for response time?
Speaking at the Mayo Clinic Social Media Summit11:48 Does speed of response impact others?
13:20 No Scripts! Honor their time
13:38 The ChaCha Response
16:20 Schedule Content timing to maximize engagement time
17:43 Personal vs. Personal
19:05 When is the handoff from social?
21:30 What if a family member releases HIPAA info?
24:31 Coordinated complaints: #DontDenyKevin
30:01 Who are you reaching?
31:00 Flies – Vinegar – Honey
31:45 Twitter and 10,000 words
34:00 140 characters and balancing the length of response
35:21 “Won over with Fancy Cupcakes”
39:35 Takeaways: Suggested responses
42:20 Sneak Peek: Flying Solo
43:15 Social Media Tip: Dr. Elizabeth Murray

Highmark Social Media Properties:
Highmark Health LinkedIn company page
Highmark Health Social Media Team
Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health.

Managing Healthcare Reviews

Managing healthcare reviews, especially for hospitals can be an overwhelming task. Cynthia Newton of HCCG is back on the Get Social Health podcast to finish our conversation about Yellow Pages, Healthgrades, reputation management, review sites and how to coordinate hundreds of phone numbers (spoiler alert: the old fashioned way – in Excel!) Listen to the podcast or drop in at the time stamps below.

Google My Business1st step visibility
Where should Hospitals be encouraging patients to give reviews?
“I just Googled myself”
University of Utah – 1st to publish CAP scores
Patients not used to reviewing physicians
Can reviews be controlled?
Social Media Tip: Emily Solecki “Have a game plan”


New Date for FREE Webinar: October 7th at 12:00pm EST

Unifying Patient Medical History – Intake.Me

What’s the missing link in helping patients manage their healthcare? For Darla Brown, cancer survivor and Co-Founder of Intake.me it’s being able to easily access health records between different healthcare providers. The problem? Interoperability between EHR providers and the ease of accessing medical records.  In looking at the problem from the patient’s perspective Darla and her co-founder Dr. Emily Lu joined forces to develop a platform to enable unifying a patient medical history. Intake.me is easy to access, intuitive and free to the patient. The beta version of Intake.me launches in October 2015. Listen to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below:

Intake.me 00:00 Introduction
01:33 Products developed are not from a patient’s perspective.
02:54 What was your experience?
03:50 Entertainment and Media experience
05:27 Banks and interoperability
06:18 What is intake.me
07:39 How have you integrated with EMR platforms?
08:54 What drove this? Patients or Physicians?
09:54 Patient portals or Intake.Me?
00:58 Regina Holliday
13:27 What does the platform look like?
14:54 Signing up – as patient or through physican office
15:15 Beta launch
16:00 Pricing model
16:42 Frequent flyers and low digital use
17:57 Dr. Emily Lu – Co-Founder
19:07 Intake.Me and Stanford
20:54 New digitally savvy physician
21:54 Replacing EMR platforms?
22:50 Development Team
23:33 Empowered Patient Tweet Chat: #PatientChat Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
#PatientChat25:40 Conflict of interest?
27:20 What have you talked about?
29:00 Schedule for #PatientChat
29:47 Presence of Physicians in Tweet Chats
30:24 Signing up for Intake.me
30:50 How does the data entry work?
32:22 Social Media Tip: Paul Levy – “Be Personal”

Intake.Me website

Darla Brown 

Dr. Emily Lu

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health.

Social Media and the CEO

If leadership comes from the top, why are so many healthcare CEOs hesitant to be active in social media? To get a first hand perspective I asked Paul Levy, former hospital CEO and C-suite leader to join me in a conversation about social media, healthcare and why CEOs shouldn’t be so hesitant to jump in. Listen in to our conversation or jump in at the time stamps below:

Paul Levy00:00 Introduction
00:45 Social Media and the CEO
01:50 What is the role of the CEO?
02:50 Journalist coverage of a story
06:12 CEO’s engaging
07:00 Train staff in social Media?
08:30 Using social media to tell what you think?
09:25 Paul’s Blog
10:25 What topics did you cover?
11:50 What did he post today?
12:38 Blogging about patient care
14:54 Posting infection rate – push back?
16:40 Insurance company on board?
17:35 Social media as a tool to set goals.
18:50 Facebook and Twitter
21:00 Tweetchats? Matching consumption schedules
21:48 Twitter at conferences
22:48 Tweeting & Twitter Fountains
24:38 Tone and emoticons
Paul Levy giving a speech25:07 Have you evangelized social media participation?
26:07 How many Hospitals CEOs are using social media
26:58 Frequency of posting developed ideas
28:02 Use analytics to drive content?
28:40 Moderating comments to manage “trolls”
29:30 Words of Wisdom
30:40 New focus – Leadership and negotiation
32:10 Social Media Tip: Dr. Mike Sevilla – Get a personal website

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health.


From Yellow Pages to Google My Hospital

Healthcare organizations have always had a challenge keeping their location, service and department information accurate and up-to-date in directories, whether it’s in the Yellow Pages or Google’s search engine. HCCG Inc President Cynthia Newton joins the Get Social Health podcast to bring us up-to-date on why hospitals are still spending many thousands of dollars on their Yellow Pages accounts every year. To compound the challenges, Google local brings a whole new level of complexity to managing their data. Hospitals and large physician practices have so many phone numbers, addresses and physician contact information to manage that it’s hard to keep them straight, let alone organized and accurate.

Cynthia’s company has served hundreds of healthcare clients is auditing their Yellow Pages accounts and managing their Google listings. She shares an inside look at the nitty-gritty of how to keep up with all the details of online listings. We also spoke about online physician’s directories,  ratings, reviews and reputation management but our conversation ran so long I’ll bring you the rest in another episode.

Lunch and LearnCynthia is also a Board Member of CHPRMS (Carolinas Healthcare PR & Marketing Society) and will be presenting a webinar on September 16, 2015 on this subject. Click this link to sign up. The webinar is free and open to all.

Listen in to the first half of our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below:

00:00 Introduction
01:10 HCCG Founded
01:50 The skinny on Yellow Page, Super Pages
02:30 How do the Yellow Page listings work?
04:45 What is your process in managing Yellow Page adds for clients?
~09:10 Directory confusion – 100 Healthcare listings
12:00 Keeping up with the Jones’. Why are large YP contracts still a part of Healthcare budgets?
13:58 Who pays the bills?
17:02 Shifting to online directories & Google
17:55 Where do the online listings come from?
22:30 Google My Business. Claiming your business listings
25:59 Bulk account verification – Minimum of 10 locations
31:00 Recovery branded search – 75% of Google searches.
34:20 Whose information source takes precedence – Google or the location?
35:35 Wikipedia as source description
36:40 Google Plus pages – what’s up with that?
42:25 Social Media Tip: Ron Petrovich of Mayo Clinic – Take 60 seconds.

Visit our resources page for more valuable (and free!) resources on social media and digital health.

Medical Fitness Network

Lisa Dougherty is on a mission to help people with chronic illness and medical conditions connect with allied healthcare professionals through the Medical Fitness Network to find the extra services they need. Lisa’s father is a cancer survivor, 4 times over. He inspired her pursue a career that involved helping others and promoting wellness. As a result of this experience, she became one of the founders of the Medical Fitness Network – a free, volunteer-driven network of allied health professionals with special training and certifications for patients with chronic illness and medical illness as well as pregnancy. Service a wide-variety of conditions the MFN offers including but not limited to: Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Heart Disease, Mental Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Pre & Postnatal Care, Respiratory Disease and Stroke.

The MFN is an online resource for locating well-trained fitness & healthcare professionals that include: acupuncturists, chiropractors, dietitians, fitness, health & wellness coaches, massage therapists, physical therapists, psychologists and yoga professionals, creating a truly unprecedented multidisciplinary network.  This team approach, facilitated through the Medical Fitness Network, will positively impact the care of many individuals with chronic disease.

Listen to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below:

Lisa Dougherty & Lucky 00:00 Introduction
00:40 What is the Medical Fitness Network?
03:27 Pre & Post Natal services
04:41 How many are in the MFN
05:21 Using the internet to connect patients and specialists
06:13 Membership dues in the SMHN
08:30 Types of health conditions served by MFN
09:00 Cancer Exercise Institute
10:00 A little about Lisa’s background
13:00 Exercising to help cancer patients
16:35 Matt Cavallo – MFN Advisory Board
17:00 MS Fitness Challenge – David Lyons
18:30 Screening the health professionals
18:54 What professional services are offered?
19:38 It’s all about wellness
20:51 How to reach more professionals
22:48 HIPAA or Privacy issues?
29:37 Family impacts decision to serve
26:36 Specific exercises for specific conditions
29:40 Facebook promotion
32:10 Social Media Tip: Susan Woolner – Use Buffer to manage publishing content

The Medical Fitness Network was founded by Lisa Dougherty, Dr. John Heydt & Dr. David Kruse and has over 60 volunteers serving on its Advisory Board, representing all the health categories listed above.

They have over 100 national business partners that promote and support the network by offering members discounts on products, services and continuing education courses. The MHN offers free full page advertising for businesses in exchange for these discounts for our members and the willingness to promote our network and help with our membership drive.

MFN is collaborating with medical and health organizations as their resource network for fitness & healthcare professionals. MFN donates all services and provides a managed database of qualified health and fitness providers, promotes the organization and its work, and offers fundraising platforms from partners like fitRaise.

The network is FREE to the community, FREE for medical & health organizations and FREE for the businesses that support it.

There is nominal fee for professionals ($99) and facilities ($199) who want to be listed as a provider in the professional’s directory and receive member discounts.  All monies paid for dues are invested back into the network for continued growth and allow us to donate our services to medical & health organizations.

The Medical Fitness Network is about everyone coming together to serve the greater good… click to get involved!