Episode Archives

Spirituality Tweet Chat with Meredith Gould

Can a spirituality Tweet Chat really cover deep topics like spiritually, faith and religion? In part two of my conversation with Meredith Gould, we pick up our conversation with a discussion of Tweet Chats, particularly the Health and Spirituality Tweet Chat (@hlthsp). This Tweet Chat happens on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 9:00 pm EST.Meredith Gould is well-known as a healthcare communications thought-leader. But many may not realize she is an author and has been published multiple times.

Meredith Gould is well-known as a healthcare communications thought-leader. But many may not realize she is an author and has been published multiple times about social media and communications use for churches. Her most recently published book is “Desperately Seeking Spirituality” which we discussed on Part I of our podcast interview.

Join me for the second half of our conversation as we discuss her new book “Desperately Seeking Spirituality” as well as social media, healthcare, and religion on Get Social Health. Follow the conversation or jump in at the time stamps below.

00:00 Introduction
00:45 #hlthsp Tweet Chat @ReckShow Regina Heater

03:51 Tracking the TweetChat – Yea for Symplur.com!
05:15 Who attends the chat?
05:48 What do you chat about?
06:13 How do you handle such “heavy” topics in Twitter?
08:55 “Winning a Tweet Chat”
09:42 Is there a similarity between Healthcare professionals and Priests/Ministers
13:02 The Pope is Tweeting, right?
15:11 It’s not about the why, it’s the who.
16:10 Social media or online digital network.
16:45 Kudos to Dr. Matthew Katz, @SubAtomicDoc
18:35 “Desperately Seeking Spirituality”
19:00 Book in the works: “Bridging the Gap: A Field Guide to Generations” (working title)
21:50 “My Wisdom, Your Energy. Let’s Change the World.”
22:40 Rick Evans, Ogilvy Worldwide, Match the conversation to the platform.

You can find Meredith Gould in…

Desperately Seeking Spirituality with Meredith Gould

One of healthcare’s strongest communications advocates is Meredith Gould. Author, instigator, and inspiration, she calls ‘em like she sees ‘em. As a member of the team at the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network, Meredith is a thought leader in using social media and communications to build communities, share ideas and push the envelope in online discussions. While well known in the healthcare community, Meredith also has a deep sociological appreciation for the individual’s personal search for spiritual truth and has authored 10 books on digital communications and spiritually.

In “Desperately Seeking Spirituality”, sacred spelunker and sociologist Meredith Gould combines practical wisdom with lived experience to explain why and when traditional practices don’t work for today’s seeker and then how to choose ones that will. In short, easy-to-read chapters and with characteristic wit, Gould provides counsel for reframing perception to discover the sacred in everyday life. This guide is for self-identified seekers who have tried some, many, or even all the classic spiritual practices and then given up on them when they stop working.

In “Desperately Seeking Spirituality”, Gould invites readers to embrace a broader definition of practice that shifts focus from doing to being. Meredith Gould, PhD, is a sociologist with well over a decade of hands-on experience with communications at all levels of church across denominations. She’s the author of nine books about faith and everyday life. Dr. Gould is the founder and lead moderator of the weekly ecumenical Twitter-based chat about church social media (#chsocm), founder and co-moderator of the monthly Health & Spirituality chat (#hlthsp), Platinum Fellow of the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network, and nationally known for her passionate advocacy of using online tools for ministry and to encourage practical spirituality.

Join me for the first part of a two-part conversation with Meredith Gould as we discuss her new book “Desperately Seeking Spirituality” as well as social media, healthcare, and religion on Get Social Health. Follow the conversation or jump in at the time stamps below.

Meredith Gould Book00:00 Introduction
00:49 Meet Meredith Gould
03:30 “How do you get away with talking about your faith?”
05:17 Proselytizing in Twitter
08:00 Sociologist’s perspective
10:01 Religion is a social institution
12:45 “Don’t get mad, get published”
13:06 “The Social Media Gospel”
14:30 What is Spirituality?
16:46 Religion can be really hard
18:56 “Doing” versus “Being”
20:15 Happy, upbeat words
22:28 Generosity and Curiosity
24:10 The right book at the right time
27:06 Social Media Tip: Dr. Bryan Vartabedian: Find a role model
26:07 A look-ahead.

You can find Meredith Gould in…


The Social Nurse Helps Nurse Entrepreneurs

What do nurse entrepreneurs need?

Carol Bush. She’s an Oncology Nurse and entrepreneur who uses her social media skills to help other nurses start up their businesses. She has taken her “intrapreneur” skills developed as a Nurse Navigator for the Midwest Cancer Alliance to create a business helping nursing associations and nurse entrepreneurs.  Carol has provided training to nursing organizations on social media and personal consulting for nurses who have a business idea get launched. Listen in to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below:

The Social Nurse logo00:00 Introduction
00:50 Carol Bush
01:25 Nurse Entrepreneurs
01:55 The Midwest Cancer Alliance
03:40 Working with Nurses and/or Social Workers?
04:50 Is the Nurse Navigation concept new? Dr. Harold Friedman
05:55 Training needed for care teams
06:50 Frontier medicine?
08:04 Tele-Health being implemented
10:44 NC Tele-Psychiatry – Going to the patients
11:28 Nurse Blogging & The Social Nurse @Nursetopia
12:45 Supporting Oncology Nurses
14:25 What services does The Social Nurse offer?
15:00 Partnering with the Get Social Health Academy
16:25 Nurses are front line in social media & violation fear
17:14 Nurses thought they were doing a good thing but violated HIPAA
18:35 Nurses ask 2 questions: Should I have 2 online profiles? What are the rules?
20:35 You have 2 profiles: @TheSocialNurse @CBushRN
21:21 Janet has 2 profile: @GetSocialHealth @jkennedy93
24:20 The “grocery store test” in a small town
25:00 What is a Nurse Entrepreneur? Who are you working with?
27:53 Nurse-Born Products
29:00 #MakerNurse
29:24 Startup Weekend
30:39 Triangle Startup Weekend Health
32:44 What is your growth plan for The Social Nurse?
37:03 Good luck to us!
37:25 Social Media Tip: Hannah Coen – Follow News Sources
38:00 Get Social Health Academy
Carol Bush’s online profiles:
Twitter: Carol Bush
More Resources

HIMSS16 – Social Media Ambassador @ShimCode

When you have a conference that brings together more than 40,000 health IT professionals clinicians vendors executives patients and speakers you to pull out the social media big guns. I have the pleasure of talking to Steve Sisko known as @shimcode in twitter about being a Social Media Ambassador for HIMSS 16 on Get Social Health.

Being a Social Media Ambassador for the largest healthcare conference is a privilege and an honor and a lot of work. If you can’t attend a conference look up the hashtag for the event, follow the action and participate. You’ll be amazed at how engaged you can be even from afar. Listen to the podcast or drop in at the time stamps below.

00:00 Intro
00:51 Meet Steve Sisko @ShimCode
01:50 What’s it like in Healthcare IT
03:26 Health IT is more about the patient now
05:24 What is your “day-job”?
06:15 The “ShimCode” story
06:40 Translator between business, IT & social media
07:45 The ShimCode Blog
09:19 Giving back to people with real information needs
10:26 hitconfguy.com
11:50 Freedom to speak your mind
12:37 Joe Lavelle @Resultant >> Massive content curation
14:22 Tools and process for content curation
15:26 Four monitors to manage flow of information
16:40 Email management
18:00 What tools do you use?
18:35 Work-life balance (What does the wife say?)
20:20 Twitter @ShimCode
21:28 #HIMSS16 Social Media Ambassador
24:13 He’s a Grain of Sand!
25:37 How any Ambassadors are there?
28:25 Not hard to get started
29:50 Seeking help in Twitter
30:26 Favorite Tweet Chats #HITsm #hcsm #KareoChat
32:38 Storify to curate?
33:33 Is the Healthcare IT slow to join social media?
26:10 Intellectual Property graphic (see below)
37:12 Social Media Tip: Jason Pratt with Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media: “Tweet about what interests you.”

ShimCode Infographic
Steve Sisko on LinkedIn

Steve Sisko’s Blog

Steve Sisko on Twitter

HIMSS16 Social Media Ambassadors

Steve Sisko on the @HCPodcasters Blab February 29, 2016

Steve’s Compendium of Twitter Lists

Social Media Tip: Jason Pratt of Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media

#NatCon16 Social Media Ambassadors

#NatCon16 is the Annual Conference of the National Council on Behavioral Health. For the second time, the conference will include invited Social Media Ambassadors to help share the story of #NatCon16 far and wide. I’m joined on the podcast by Communications team members Hannah Coen and Allie Siemianowski of the National Council on Behavioral Health to talk about why they developed the social media ambassador program and what they hope to achieve. Listen to our conversation originally recorded via Blab or drop in at the time stamps below.

00:00 Introduction to #NatCon16
NatCon1600:50 Meet Ali Siemianowski and Hannah Coen
02:00 National Council on Behavioral Health
02:30 Conference attendance ~ 5,000
03:15 Kudos on the NatCon’s social media presence
04:12 Social media track includes Dr. Kevin Pho @KevinMD
05:00 Social Media Ambassadors
05:51 Asking the “dumb” questions
06:43 Who are the other Social Media Ambassadors
07:23 Are there specific tracks?
08:59 Active in TweetChats as National Council? #StampOutStigma
09:40 How do you organize your TweetChats?
11:10 What are the social media activities during the conference?
12:23 Invasive social media
15:24 Janet’s first conference at Ceasars
16:45 Quiet interview place (for Janet?)
17:02 Will you have National press coverage?
17:29 How can conference attendees prepare to engage in social media?
18:48 Will you create a twitter list?
19:12 Sean Erreger, @StuckonSW & Dana Lewis #hcsm
20:40 Details on the conference
21:12 NO HEELS
22:06 Social Media Success Tip: Ahmanielle Hall, Yuma Medical Center “There are people to help you”

Conference website

Moving healthcare innovation to business as usual

How do you take healthcare innovation into business as usual practices? Joining me on Get Social Health is Andre Blackman, a member of the Jumpstart Foundry team and Producer for Health:Further. This program that brings healthcare innovators together with healthcare professionals to figure out how to implement innovative products, services, and ideas in real-world business.


Health:FurtherYou know, healthcare innovation is a lot like the weather, everybody talks about it but nobody does anything about it. That may be stretching the metaphor a bit but, seriously doesn’t it seem that awful lot of innovation never quite gets into practice in a healthcare setting?
In our conversation Andre and I start with his previous podcast topic, the Sustain or Die Manifesto. Andre developed this idea a few years ago to inspire others to think about taking healthcare innovation into practice. In his new role with Health:Further, Andre is responsible for creating events that bring together digital health innovators and the healthcare see suite to talk about how you can use innovations in a practical real world setting.

Listen to our conversation on the podcast or jump in at the timestamps below.

00:00 Introduction: Agent of Change – Andre Blackman
02:19 The Sustain or Die Manifesto
04:52 Wearables gaining interest for health tracking
07:20 Manifesto
13:58 Brand new project – Health:Further
18:10 Med help to those without
23:04 Producing Quarterly events
24:24 Jumpstart Foundry
25:11 Are you targeting just Healthcare Systems?
25:57 Health innovation – Where’s the impact?
28:09 What core competencies does the health entrepreneur need?
30:54 Looking for the small healthcare solutions
32:29 Room for individuals?
33:56 Levels of involvement
35:26 What is your role with Health:Further?
36:40 Dana Lewis, #hcsm Moderator, “Jump in!”

Additional Resources

RecycleHealth (only a FB page for right now)

Aaron Sklar – design + healthcare, co-founder of Prescribe Design
IDEO, Frog Design = two leading design-thinking companies
Flip the Clinic, waiting room experiences – initiated by Thomas Goetz and led by Whitney Zatzkin (@MsWZ)
Health:Further Resources:
Main website: healthfurther.com
My introduction post as Producer and the mission
The HF events page that links to our March 1st event on telehealth
Andre’s interview with Jane Sarasohn-Kahn on Health:Further and important of fresh thinking for healthcare innovation
Follow HF on Twitter as @HealthFurther and Facebook