Have you ever seen a commercial or read an advertisement for some new pharmaceutical and thought, “That’s how you say it?” Here to help me with that today is Tony Guerra, pharmacist, author, and host of “The Pharmacy Podcast.” We cover a lot of ground in this episode and sometimes arm wrestle over who’s the podcast host (me!) but we had a lot of fun. Join us as we focus on the medication side of healthcare on Get Social Health.
Episode Time Stamps
00:47 Introduction
02:08 Everyone does drugs
04:23 Como se dice “Xanax?”
06:45 Side effects include… everything
08:13 Googled health data accuracy
09:11 Speaking of writing…
16:15 Square one – website
20:35 Plan your website
23:03 Prescription recommendations and acquisitions
26:26 Pharmacists are friends
29:13 Pharma-shortage?
30:15 Chain vs independent pharmacist
31:58 Tell me about that Youtube that you do
36:46 …and your podcast too
38:58 Target pharm-audience for your podcast
39:57 Connecting writers
42:40 End
43:22 Social Media Tip: Brian Mack
43:57 Closing:
Lots of ways to find Tony Guerra
- Pharmacy Times
- Pharmacy Podcast Pharmacy Future Leaders at DMAC
- Pharmacy Podcast Main Page
- Memorizing Pharmacology: A Relaxed Approach Audiobook
- How to Pronounce Drug Names: A Visual Approach to Preventing Medication Errors Print Book
- YouTube
- How do I use back building for pronunciation?
- Top 200 Drugs Playlist
- Website