Physician, author, digital thought-leader and educator, Dr. Bryan Vartabedian, is a pediatrician who embraces his role as “The Public Physician.” Known as @Doctor_V in Twitter, he joined Get Social Health to discuss his book, “The Public Physician” which is now available as a free download. In addition we discussed his work with Rice University at the Medical Futures Lab, as a voice for pediatric health and the importance of physicians to understand their “digital footprint.” Listen to the interview or drop in at the time stamps below.
00:00 Introduction
00:45 The Public Physician
01:45 33 Charts Blog
02:25 Changes since 2009
03:10 What is a digital footprint?
04:00 Every physician is a brand or has a brand?
04:56 Embrace being online
06:15 Proactive Vs. Reactive online
07:50 Passive Footprint – Active Footprint – Active Presence
08:50 Does every physician need to be active online?
10:40 What is the minimum presence?
12:03 Is Doximity tied to SEO?
13:00 Can a physician be “all-in” on just one platform?
15:00 “Surrogate blog” like Kevin MD
16:48 Find your medium
17:35 Video blog as platform
18:48 Twitter & Medical meetings
21:35 Tweeting a live heart transplant
23:53 “Your obligation to patients goes above the law”
24:25 How to stay on the right side of HIPAA
26:15 Doctors moral obligation to speak up
27:05 AAP target of online attacks
28:08 Baylor College of Medicine Digital Smarts program
29:42 Are medical schools catching up?
30:40 Healthcare Statistics course
32:36 Confidence in Medical & Health Apps
33:30 Rice University – Medical Futures Lab
34:55 Startup Weekend
36:06 Dr. Joyce Lee @JoyceLee – Doctor as Designer
36:35 Physicians are trained to follow
38:00 Social Media Tip: Rick Evans – Pick the right medium for the message
38:48 Get Social Health Academy
New York Times: Questioning the Value of Health Apps
Washington Post: “Many health apps are based on flimsy science at best, and they often do not work”
Dr. Bryan Vartabedian on LinkedIn
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