Today we’re talking about Pharma Social Media with Ritesh Patel, EVP and Chief Digital Officer of Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide. During our conversation we discussed handling a PR crisis, being a digital evangelist and getting the C-Suite on board with social media. Listen to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below.
00:00 Introduction
00:55 Meet Ritesh Patel
01:55 David Ogilvy & Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide
04:15 What kind of health are you serving?
05:45 Do you have a group that specializes in Crisis Management?
06:38 Industry response to bad PR
08:58 Hard to “put the brakes on”
10:11 Can you BE a digital evangelist in pharma?
13:31 Patients need information and Fair balance
15:58 COPD Foundation – Is pharma focusing on disease states?
19:00 Mayo Clinic – Must educate because so much information is bad
21:02 Patient communities
23:33 Are you doing more client work in open or closed communities?
25:15 Storyvine for telling patient stories
25:55 Why would a patient give a pharma testimonial?
28:00 How does the app get paid for?
29:16 Are you evangelizing to the C-Suite?
30:58 Is it “They don’t get it” or “They are afraid of it”?
32:09 Are digital budgets growing?
33:48 What about other health verticals? Are they using social media?
35:27 Are you doing work in health startups?
36:14 Are all the Ogilvy Health employees wearing wearables?
36:54 If you could wave a magic wand, what would you change?
40:41 Patient centricity model
42:19 Is the FDA active in social media?
44:41 Social Media Tip: Carol Bush, RN – Tip for Nurse Bloggers
45:50 Physicians – Nurses – Practice Managers – I need your feedback! Take this survey!
Digital Musings for Pharma: Rethinking Social Media Engagement by Ritesh Patel
Find Ritesh Patel
As an aside – Ritesh is a DJ too!